Teens Obsessed with YouTube and TikTok: New Survey Reveals Usage Trends
Nearly 1 in 5 teens are on YouTube or TikTok "almost constantly," according to a new survey by Pew Research Center. This highlights the immense popularity of these video-streaming platforms among younger generations.
Here are the key takeaways from the survey:
YouTube reigns supreme: 93% of teens use YouTube regularly, with 16% claiming to be "almost constant" users.
TikTok surges in popularity: 63% of teens use TikTok, with 17% claiming "almost constant" usage.
Snapchat and Instagram remain popular: Both platforms have around 60% of teen users, with Snapchat slightly ahead.
Facebook and Twitter fade away: Only 33% of teens use Facebook today, down from 71% in 2014-2015. Twitter (now X) doesn't even make it onto the radar.
Gender differences: Boys are more likely to use Discord and Twitch, while girls are more likely to use BeReal, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Racial and ethnic differences: Black teens are more likely to use TikTok than Hispanic or white teens, while Hispanic teens are more likely to use WhatsApp.
Usage remains stable: No significant changes in platform usage compared to last year's survey.
Here's a breakdown of the most popular platforms:
This data reveals the evolving landscape of social media among teens. It's clear that YouTube and TikTok have cemented their dominance, while Facebook and Twitter are fading from the scene. This trend is likely to continue as newer platforms emerge and capture the attention of young users.